Sunday, September 27, 2009

Can Wikipedia be a trusted source of information?

I am a true believer in that, you can not trust everyone or everything. If it is to good to be true, then it's probably not real. Wikipedia has its' pearks and its' flaws. It is great that Wikipedia makes all types of information available to the public thru the Internet, but if people want to get on Wikipedia and post information for the world to see, then the public should know who is changing or posting the information. They should make some type of rule for posting information on Wikipedia, it should be a consequence if you post information that is not true. How are people suppose to trust the site if you don't know if the information is correct? Come on Wikipedia get your act together!

1 comment:

  1. And then we have the question of anonymity. That is a difficult question for me. Just keep your eyes open and your brain on when you use Wikipedia.
