Thursday, September 10, 2009

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

This video told a true story about the collage experience. If I could add something to the video it would be, "I will earn a degree that is of no use with out experience." My fist degree is in hotel management and tourism administration. This is a great degree, but most people who work in this industry do not have a college degree. Why do we have to be in a classroom learning information from text books, when the job market wants people who have experience? I have a problem with understanding why we go to college because when you go on a job interview one of the first things they ask is, "what type of experience do you have." It makes me think that they have not read my resume. Why do they think people go on interviews? I always say how do you expect someone to get experience if you never give them a chance. Therefore, I wish I would have saw this video when I was a freshman in college. It probably would have open my eyes to what college is really about.


  1. I came back to school to get a degree that would pay more than what I would make with my first degree. I love tourism but it is hard to get your foot in the door around Mobile because it's all about who you know.
