Thursday, November 26, 2009

Summary of EDM 310

Summary of EDM 310
I learned so much from this class and I will be using those things from now on. When we learned how to create a blog I liked that because I always want to know how people did that. The thing that I will use when I become a teacher is iTunesU, it was a great place to find things for students to learn and do. The best thing was google, I have used google before, but I never new that they offered so many different options beside their search engine. Google docs, forms and iGoogle are great to use as a teacher or a business professional.
The one thing I wish we would have learned but didn't was how to create our own website. Google got me interested in learning how to create my own website, when I was playing around on my iGoogle page one day. I have started a website for my wedding that I am planning by using google.
Everything I have learned in EDM 310 will be used when I become a teacher. I will not forget what I got out of this class. The more I use what I have learned, the better I can teach it to other people.
I wasn't excited about EDM 310 because I use a computer everyday. Being showed things that I have never used on the Internet was what I like the most.
I can't think of anything in EDM 310 that was intellectually challenging. Sometimes when I had to post something on my blog about a site we visited, I had difficult sometimes trying to think of something to write.
EDM 310 never had a boring moment for me, I always had something to do. This class was interesting so it made me want to keep up with what was going on in the class.
I don't think I would change a thing about EDM 310, it was a great class to take. One thing I'm sure future students might like is more instructional videos to help them with the assignments.
At the moment I am technologically literate, taking this class has made me learn alot more about technology. I will be using what I learn in this class to stay technologically literate by using it at my current job and in other classes I take at south Alabama.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed having you in the class. I am glad that you found many things that you could use in your teaching area (phys ed). Google has a method for creating web pages that you should look up and try. Search for Google Sites.
