Friday, August 21, 2009

Mr. Winkle Wakes

This was a cute little video. The point they were trying to make is important. The classroom has not really changed, over the past hundred years. Teachers still lecture, textbooks are still used and some type of writing utensil is used to do homework or classwork assigned by a teacher. This is the way my parents learned, there parents learned and all the generations before them. In my generation we have used some type of technology in school. I can remember when we got apple computers in my elementary school and how cool it was to go to the computer lab to use them. Those computers we used then are out dated, compared to the apple computers we use now. Even the way we save documents has changed. Remember when we used flop disk and how big they were. Now we use USB drives an they are so small you can put them in your pocket.
In my opinion going all the way tech in classrooms is going to take a while. Making sure every student in the classroom has a computer can be a challenge at times. Computers cost money and some students don't have the income to purchase one. At the secondary level students have to depend on their parents to purchase their school supply. Some parents at inter-city or rural schools can barely pay there bills. So how can you ask them to purchase a computer when they can barely put food on the table. I know some might say that the schools can purchase computers for the students, but some school districts can barely pay their teachers. Therefore, going all the way tech in classrooms has its advantages and down falls. In the near future I hope to see technology in ever classroom but, til then Mr. Winkle's and I will keep chipping away at our stone tablets:)

1 comment:

  1. I'm the author of Mr. Winkle Wakes. I teach in an urban school in a one computer classroom. My students create movies, have video conferences, and will soon be blogging. It is possible to create a lot even with very little equipment. You make good points but we can't wait until classrooms all have the latest technology or the revolution will never come.
