Sunday, September 13, 2009

"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines

Mrs. Hines touched on a great point in this blog. Teachers are going to have to want to learn. Doing everything by the text book is not going to work in the years to come. Teachers have to find ways of getting the students interested in learning. No one is perfect, so if mistakes are made then think of it as a learning opportunity. When teachers bring technology into the classroom it is working as a aide to further educate the students and show how what they learn in the classroom is applied in other places beside school. I feel that technology is a tool teachers can use, but it is up to each individual teacher on how they use it. By getting your creative juices following then it will show in your students because if you are excited about learning then it will motivate them to want to learn. A teacher may not motivate ever student they come in contact with, but inspiring a couple is better than none.


  1. Your key point: "if you are excited about learning then it will motivate them to want to learn."

  2. I love your reflection on my blog and it seems that you connected with it. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.
