It seems that Duke University in Durham, NC. was the first school to give students iPod's to use in the classroom. Since then more schools have followed in their foot steps. The students who use them rave about the potential the iPod has and the different ways they use them in the classroom. Some people don't like the use of iPod's in school because they think it is a distraction and students use it for recreation purposes rather than for school work. I feel it a device is make to make life a little easier for students, why not utilize its positive capabilities. The iPod has changed the way students learn in the classroom, they are know able to take the classroom where ever they go. Therefore, when is my University going to jump on the band wagon:)This is a website I found about iPods in instruction Click HereTo see when iPod goes collegiate.
When Apple adds a video camera to the iPod Touch I will probably "jump on the bandwagon" and make it a requirement for EDM310.